Satellite Communication & Remote Sensing
EC801CContacts: 3L
Credits: 3
Historical background, Basic concepts, Frequency allocation for satellite services, orbital & spacecraft problems, comparison of networks and services, modulation techniques used for satellite communication.(2) [Lecture notes: Satellite Communication history, concepts and Frequency allocation]
Orbits- Two body problem, orbital mechanics, geostationary orbit, change in longitude, orbital maneuvers, orbital transfer, orbital perturbations. (2) [Lecture Notes: Satellite communication - orbital mechanics]
Launch Vehicles- principles of Rocket propulsion, powered flight, Launch vehicles for communication satellite (1) [Lecture notes: Principles of rocket propulsion, launch vehicles for communication satellite]
RF link- noise, the basic RF link, satellite links (up and down) , optimization RF link, inter-satellite link, noise temperature, Antenna temperature, overall system temperature, propagation factors, rain attenuation model. Tropospheric and Ionospheric EFFECT. (5)
Multiple access- FDMA, TDMA, CDMA techniques, compression of multiple access techniques, error connecting codes.(5)
Satellite subsystems and satellite link design- AOCS, TT&C , power system, spacecraft antenna, transponder, Friis transmission equation, G/T ratio of earth station. (6)
Remote Sensing:
1. Basic of remote sensing, Electromagnetic Radiation principles, Atmospheric window, Indian satellite sensing satellite system, Active, Passive, ground based and space based remote sensing. (3) [Lecture Notes: 1. Basic of remote sensing, 2. Electromagnetic radiation spectrum]
2. Spatial, spectral, Radiometric and temporal resolution, satellite sensors, detectors and scanning technique, FOV and error sources, Image analysis and Interpretation weather RADAR, LIDAR, acoustic sounding systems, TRMM, AURA-MLS, Megha, Tropiques, Alitmeter, Scatterometer, Radiometer.(9)
3. Ground based and radio oceulation techniques, spectral response of water, Sea surface temperature, wind spced, colour monitor, clouds andacrosal, water vopor, convective system, Trace gases.(7)
Reference Books:
1. Remote Sensing and GIS - B. Bhatta (oxford university press).
2. Remote sensing of the Environment – J.R. Jenson (Pearson).
3. Global Navigation satellite systems - B. S. Rao (TMH).
4. Satellite communication – D. Roddy (TMH).
5. Remote Sensing - R.A. Schowengerdt )Academic press).
Renewable Energy
EC802CContacts: 3L
Credits: 3
Classification of Energy Sources (2)
Advantages of Non Conventional Energy Sources over Conventional Sources Economics, Impact on Environment.
Electricity Generation from Non Conventional Energy Sources:
Solar Energy: (12)
Solar radiation and its Characteristics, Solar Collector: flat Plate, focusing, Solar Energy use for water heating, Solar thermal power generation, Hybrid solar power.
Principle of energy conversion in solar cells, Photovoltaics, Different types of PV Cells, Mono-poly crystalline and amorphous Silicon solar cells. Design of PV array. Efficiency and cost of PV systems.
Wind Energy: (7)
Wind as energy source, Design of Wind turbine, Selection of site of Wind farm, characteristics of different types of wind generators used with wind turbines.
Hydel Energy: (2)
Electricity generation from micro hydel plants, location, auxiliaries and associated problems.
Bio Energy: (4)
Resources and conversion process: bio gas conversion, bio gas plant, bio mass gasifier, co generation.
Bio diesel; (2)
Sources, usability and advantages over mineral product.
Tidal Energy: Principle, selection of site, Economics and future prospect (2)
Wave Energy: Principle , selection of site and future prospect (2)
Geo thermal Energy: Principle , location , economics and prospect (2)
Fuel Cells: (5)
Principle of fuel cells, Different types of fuel cells, advantages and limitations.
Magneto hydrodynamics energy conversion: (2)
Principle, Economics and environmental aspect of MHD generation.
Organisational Behaviour
HU801AContacts: 2L
Credits: 2
- Organizational Behaviour: Definition, Importance, Historical Background, Fundamental Concepts of OB, Challenges and Opportunities for OB. [2]
- Personality and Attitudes: Meaning of personality, Personality Determinants and Traits, Development of Personality, Types of Attitudes, Job Satisfaction. [2]
- Perception: Definition, Nature and Importance, Factors influencing Perception, Perceptual Selectivity, Link between Perception and Decision Making. [2]
- Motivation: Definition, Theories of Motivation - Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, McGregor’s Theory X & Y, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Alderfer’s ERG Theory, McClelland’s Theory of Needs, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory. [4]
- Group Behaviour: Characteristics of Group, Types of Groups, Stages of Group Development, Group Decision Making. [2]
- Communication: Communication Process, Direction of Communication, Barriers to Effective Communication. [2]
- Leadership: Definition, Importance, Theories of Leadership Styles. [2]
- Organizational Politics: Definition, Factors contributing to Political Behaviour. [2]
- Conflict Management: Traditional vis-a-vis Modern View of Conflict, Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict, Conflict Process, Negotiation – Bargaining Strategies, Negotiation Process. [2]
- Organizational Design: Various Organizational Structures and their Effects on Human Behaviour, Concepts of Organizational Climate and Organizational Culture. [4]
Reference Books:
- Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T.A.: Organizational Behavior, Pearson Education, 15th Edition.
- Luthans, Fred: Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill, 12th Edition.
- Shukla, Madhukar: Understanding Organizations – Organizational Theory & Practice in India, PHI.
- Fincham, R. & Rhodes, P.: Principles of Organizational Behaviour, OUP, 4th Edition.
- Hersey, P., Blanchard, K.H., Johnson, D.E.- Management of Organizational Behavior Leading Human Resources, PHI, 10th Edition.