Computer Networks Lecture notes

Subject Name: Computer Network
Paper Code: EC602
References Books:
  1. Data Communications and Networking by Behrouz A. Forouzan - Download (10.8 MB)

Topic Lecture Notes
Introduction; Data communications: components, data representation (ASCII,ISO etc.), direction of data flow (simplex, half duplex, full duplex); network criteria. View
Physical structure (type of connection, topology) View
Categories of network (LAN, MAN,WAN); Internet: brief history, Protocols and standards View
Reference models: OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model, their comparative study. View
Related video tutorial
1. OSI reference model
2. TCP/IP reference model
FDM, WDM and TDM multiplexing & demultiplexing. View
Switching: Circuit switched, Packet switched, Message switched. View
Framing. View
Types of error. Error detection & correction methods. View