Digital Signal Processing video tutorial and lecture notes

Subject Name: Digital Signal Processing
Paper Code: EC504
References Books:
  1. Digital Signal Processing by P. Ramesh Babu - Download (10.5 MB)
  2. Digital Signal. Processing. Principles, Algorithms, and Applications. - by John G. Proakis

MAKAUT Organizer for Digital Signal Processing (DSP)

  1. Discrete Time Signal & LTI Systems - Download.
  2. Z - Transform -Download.
  3. Discrete and Fast Fourier Transform -Download.
  4. Filter Design -Download.

Topic Video Lecture Lecture Notes
Discrete time signals: Sequences Video lecture View
Representation of signals on orthogonal basis 1. Video lecture
2. Solved problem 1
3. Solved problem 2
Sampling and reconstruction of signals. 1. Video lecture (Sampling)
2. Alternative video lecture (Sampling)
3. Video lecture (reconstruction of signals)
Discrete systems attributesVideo lectureWatch video lecture
Z-Transform and ROC 1. Mapping of S Plane onto Z Plane
2. Introduction to Z-Transform
3. Condition for Existence of Z-Transform
Analysis of LSI systems. Not available View
DFT and IDFT Not available View
DIF-FFT Video lecture (DIF-FFT) View
DIT-FFT Video lecture (DIT-FFT) View